Topic 9 – Who Is God When Speaking In An Audible Voice?

(Please scroll down to the end of this topic if you’d like to add your own testimony. Ivan hopes you will.)

Liz Lewis – on safari in Zimbabwe.

I awoke to hear noises outside my tent. Thinking it was hyenas scavenging scraps, I was about to get out of my camp bed and yell at them to chase them away when a strong voice ordered, “Do not move.” I froze in the act of pulling down my blanket. The command was repeated “Do not move”.

Then a large lion appeared at the front of my tent and sat on its haunches there. Its silhouette was lit up by the dull red firelight behind.

It then got up and moved around the side of the tent to where my head was. I could hear this creature panting slowly. My heart was beating so loudly that I thought the lion would hear and I felt very fearful. I hardly dared breathe, knowing that the lion would have reacted to the smallest movement. After what seemed an age but was likely only a few minutes, the lion moved away.

Then screams shattered the night. A couple, Roy and Yvonne Jennings, were dragged from their tent by the lion and suffered awful injuries before the ranger fired shots that frightened the lion off.

I knew that had I not been instantly obedient to that voice, I too would have been attacked.

        Liz’s testimony shows that:

  1. God expects quick obedience and it is essential for us that we respond instantly.
  1. God knows where we are and if dangers are lurking. He is concerned about us and is there during times of crisis.
  1. God chooses who to rescue for His own undisclosed reasons – Liz Lewis was saved while the Jennings were seriously injured.
  1. God communicates with us in many other ways than speaking audibly, which He does only rarely. He does not interact with us all the same way – any more than a loving father does with his own family. God made us all different and chooses His communication methods appropriate to who we are and the circumstances we are in.

Paula Black, Dale Black Ministries, Hayden USA. 

There was an event that occurred in my life years ago when I was engaged in a great struggle in my life. I was emotionally overwhelmed and wondering how God was going to help me get through it.

Of course, I prayed, I went to church, I worshipped. But my problem was overwhelming and seemingly without a solution. And God was silent.

Then one day–a day I will never forget–I was standing alone at home inside the front door, and I heard a voice. Not just any voice, but God’s voice.

You may or may not have experienced God’s audible voice before. But when you hear it, there is no question who is speaking. Every syllable was clear. The tone was clear. And the words were full of love… “Are you going to go My way? …Or your way?

It was an unexpected question. A simple one. But as always when God speaks, understanding comes with the words. In general terms, I had thought I was going God’s way. But His words brought conviction that I was going my own way and asking Him to come along with me.

I immediately thought, “I don’t know how, emotionally, to go Your way.” 

I was then surprised to realize that I just knew what direction His way was. I just could not imagine having the emotional strength and ability to obey what He was asking me to do.

But He knew what I needed and His next words gave me clear direction. “Just put your hand in Mine. And keep your eyes on Me, and I will lead you out of this maze.”  It had felt to me like I was in a maze! The walls were too high to see over and I had lost all perspective.

God knew exactly what was needed. And that’s exactly what He said to me 40 years ago. God’s words never fade. They never diminish over time. They are as clear today as when He spoke them. I remember every syllable and how He said them with great love and concern for me… and encouragement for me to trust Him.

I did trust Him. I didn’t understand how He would do it, but I trusted that He would. And He did! I trusted Him and obeyed step by step to eventually emerge from the maze into sunshine again.

And as the world becomes more uncertain and life more confusing, it is more important than ever that we trust the Lord and wait on Him to gain the strength and wisdom we need to overcome.

        Paula’s testimony shows that:

  1. God does not need to identify Himself – the people who have heard Him speak audibly seem to know immediately that it is God who spoke to them.
  2. God can speak clarity into a situation that is confusing to us, such that understanding comes to us at once.
  3. God only speaks audibly to His children on rare occasions, generally to protect, guide or inform. We can tell a lot about someone from the things they say, and once they have spoken to us they have personalised themselves. God personalises Himself as being loving, caring, protective, informative and absolutely knowledgeable about the future.
  4. God does not force us to go in His direction – we have a choice. However, only His direction will work out for best. We can see that clearly when we look back.
  5. God is trustworthy and can lead us out of seemingly impossible situations, providing we go His way instead of our own.

Diane Shaw, Sunshine Coast, Australia

I was shopping In Coles supermarket just prior to Christmas. Just getting a few last-minute things. 

On the front counter was a lovely arrangement of fresh flowers (Australian theme) and artificial items all in Christmas colours.  I used to do a lot of flower arrangements in preparation for Carnival of flowers, in Toowoomba. Consequently, I had a real appreciation and love of all things Christmas, and flower arranging.

As it was all by itself, I asked the check-out operator about the flower arrangement and proudly put it at the top of the trolley. Off I went, smiling and proud as punch.

Got to the end of one aisle and almost bumped into another lady who was rounding the corner. She immediately spotted MY arrangement. “Oh”, she oozed, “where did you get that?”

I told her, saying, “I’m not sure if there’s any left”, so off she RAN.

I went on my way, saying ‘thank you, Lord, that I found it first’. 

Continuing on, doing my shopping, she came around another corner, downcast and forlorn looking.

“Did you get an arrangement?”, I asked.

“No”, she responded, “they haven’t any left, and I do so love it, and my daughter is coming home from South Africa tonight. I haven’t seen her in 6 years, she would absolutely love that! She loves Ozzie and Christmas.”

“Oh,” I said, “that’s sad”. and after some more pleasantries, we went our separate ways.

I hadn’t gone half way down the next aisle, when, God spoke, I swear it was an audible voice, “Give the flowers to that woman, she really needs them.” 

“But Lord”, I responded, “You know how much I just loooove Christmas and flowers and it is just so lovely and…….”

“Give the flowers to her,” God said again.

“But, Lord….”.

After a few minutes of this, I obeyed and went off to find the lady. When I eventually found her, after having hopeful thoughts of, “Lord you were only testing! She has already left, and now I feel guilty because I didn’t obey straight away.”

But no, I eventually found her. I handed the flower arrangement over, reluctantly, but with a smile on my face. I said my Lord told me to give you these.

Well, the expression and joy and sheer pleasure on her face was just amazing!

I thought she was about to say thank you in seven languages, but no, she said, “Oh, you’re a believer! So are we, my husband and I!”

We didn’t know each other but had fellowship together, based on our mutual love of our Saviour.

Eventually we parted, I was so blessed, I began praising the Lord, and went on my way.

I can’t say that God gave me another arrangement, or anything to replace that particular one, but I had a lesson in obedience and had such blessings from that encounter.

I don’t know why that lady wanted it so badly, or why I couldn’t have it, but the joy I knew was limitless and such as “none other has ever known.”

Diane’s testimony illustrates that:

  1. God is aware of His people and their needs, even in supermarkets.
  1. God can speak aloud to His children in unexpected circumstances.
  1. God understands our excuses but ignores them if He considers something to be important.
  1. God gives us joy when, despite our reluctance, we obey Him. 

Frank Mussell – Methodist Minister in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).

The needs of others became very real to me. Where could a missionary and his wife and children stay when they wanted to have a rest? Where could Christian workers go when they got tired through overwork? They could not afford hotels, nor could they always find friends who could offer them hospitality

Guidance was given me that something had to be done. Then the thought came – why build one house? Why not a number of rest cottages?

One morning, while sitting in my study thinking on these things, I felt led to pray. I remember putting my head in my hands and closing my eyes and saying audibly, “Lord, who can I ask for land?”

I immediately became conscious of a voice speaking to me, a very clear one, and it said, “Try Mr Webb.”

At first, I felt it was just a trick of the mind. I asked myself, “Who is Mr Webb?”

I began to think of people I had met since my arrival in Salisbury and I remembered that I had met a Mr and Mrs Webb at our welcome social two years before.”

Ivan’s Comment: 

Mr Webb had previously and secretly “given” a lovely valley to God in thanks for a financial rescue. He was amazed when Frank Mussell wrote to him about the voice and at once gave the valley to Frank, to build his lovely cottages and youth centre there. Frank named it Resthaven and it has been a nurturing, peaceful, restorative haven that has served thousands. It continues to this day.

           Frank’s testimony shows that:

  1. God can still speak audibly today to impart very specific information not possible to find in the Bible.
  1. God has His own ways of birthing new Christian work, in this case speaking to Mussell in order to bring him and Webb together.
  1. God is relational and desires an ongoing daily relationship with us, such as Mussell practised.
  1. God’s work is generally tested by the forces of evil. Even though Mussell knew without doubt he was doing God’s will, he found regular specific prayer essential to developing the campsite and solving its problems, including overcoming conflict with a local witchdoctor. You see, God’s purpose for us is always more than what we are doing for Him, it is pre-eminently to develop a closer relationship with

A Reader Comments:

Sometimes we need to act, even if we may have misheard God. This is better than missing something God wants us to do. Don’t be over-cautious

Sarah Biggs when a missionary in the Philippines.

Diversion Road used to be the “race” track of Davao, it was where you drove to avoid traffic and enjoy the journey. The trip was a favourite of mine, a place to let my motorbike fly, to push the boundaries of safety just enough for a quick rush of adrenaline. 

Along the way there was one bridge to cross that dropped all the traffic back to a tight two lanes before popping it back out the other side into free-flowing fun again. My favourite trips were when there was no traffic near the bridge so braking wasn’t necessary the whole way. I felt invincible. 

My drive was particularly fast and ahead was free of menacing traffic to slow my pace. As I approached the bridge a voice rang in my ears clearly and concisely commanding me to “get off the road.” It was compelling and my response was unusually instant, skidding to a stop off the road, just meters before the bridge. 

A tanker truck coming across the bridge from the other direction struck the edge of the narrow bridge with its front tire and the resulting action left the truck sideways across the breadth of the bridge in a fury of screeching and smoke. 

I sank to my knees in shock as I realised that had “the voice” not intervened I would quite likely be dead, a pancake under the truck with no means of escape.

I spent some time looking around, searching for a person who could have successfully warned me, knowing full well it was not physically possible. My speed, helmet and the engine noise made an impasse for the human voice and the timing was too precise. 

Still on my knees I shook as I began crying, realising that once again God had saved my life. Using an audible voice was not something I had experienced from God previously, but I knew straight away and without a doubt I had heard God speak to me. 

           Sarah’s testimony shows that:

  1. God has His eye on us at all times.
  2. God’s voice can be heard above any or all surrounding noises.
  3. God knows in advance what is going to happen on the road ahead.
  4. God expects immediate obedience. In fact, delayed obedience is really disobedience. Disobedience can take you outside His protection in a flash.

Gill in Australia about hearing the voice of God

From darkness into the light.

 I found emigrating to Australia from Africa very stressful on a number of fronts, including financially, and unemployment.

My mother died unexpectedly 6 weeks after arriving in Australia. I couldn’t return to Malawi for her funeral, due to lack of finance and unemployment. 

One of the many awful things that happened was we received a call from the police to say our son was in a coma in emergency at the RBH hospital. It was a muddled story of exactly what had happened. We were warned that even if he regained consciousness, he would more than likely have brain damage. 

I went home and prayed to God that if He would heal him, I would believe! My son was healed instantly! However, despite this, I did not keep my side of the bargain. 

When I was out shopping one day, depression set in (unplanned and so sudden) which left me in utter despair; plunging me into a deep dark hole that was indescribable. I wanted to take my life there and then!

In that desperate moment I felt a hand on my shoulder and a strange glow surrounded me. Then a voice called out my name and said aloud “Gill, I will never leave you”. The depression lifted as fast as it had come! And suicidal thoughts were gone instantly! 

Jesus says in Hebrews 13.5 “I will never leave you.” Since that experience I cling onto Jesus. He has chosen me. Only as I mature and grow spiritually can I really start to understand this verse – “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5) I was a premature baby in Malawi weighing one pound. 

Great trials have come my way, especially since becoming a Christian. It’s only through Him that I can face these terrible trials. 1Peter 5.7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

Thankfully, the Lord gives me the strength to walk by faith, not by sight. He has used me for His kingdom in Malawi: spreading the gospel, feeding the hungry, looking after the orphans in our Christian work – ‘Eagle Wings’.

What Gill’s testimony reveals about God: 

  1. God knows us intimately even before we were born.
  2. God can reach out to us at certain key moments in our lives.
  3. God can be relied on to know about our difficult situations and can even deliver us from the worst of them. Friends, including Christians, cannot be relied upon to support us in extremely difficult times, but God can.
  4. 4.. God can heal depression in an instant, despite it being very difficult to heal medically.

Mark Taylor, when a successful Senior Pastor of a large church in Johannesburg, South Africa.

I had had a bad week and was grumbling to myself in my car when God spoke clearly to me:

“Mark, you have not because you ask not. What is it you want Mark?”

I pulled up in the car as soon as I could. I was shaken by God’s unexpected question. But having pondered possible future directions already, I had an answer ready. “Lord, I want to be at the crossroads of biblical truth and modern media.”

Ivan comments: God soon after brought an unexpected opportunity for Mark to join Feba Christian radio in England, which he did and where his passion found some fulfilment. Today, Mark is the lead minister in a successful church in England that keeps him extremely busy, but he retains his interest in the inspiring work of radio outreach into the developing world.

Mark’s testimony shows that:

  1. God quoted scripture in His response to Mark, as He does quite often when He speaks nowadays. The quote was from James 4:2 “You have not because you ask not”.
  2. God’s quote from the Bible was encouraging because of Mark’s heart to stand for biblical truth.


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